Right, read this very carefully, you will have fun. The Carnival is an event that everyone can enter, participate in or just watch from the sides. HASTING CELEBRATES is the theme this year so go on take part and be Hastings.
We have entertainment on the Carnival route from 15.00 till 20.00 with a break for the Carnival itself so make it the event of the Summer. It is well known how Hastings can party so here’s another opportunity to dress up and celebrate Hastings with the whole family. Go on you know you want to.
Also remember that these events do not organize themselves and the committee always need help, so if you have thoughts how this superb event can be made even better come along to our monthly meetings or the AGM and state your ideas loud and proud. All Events need to move on and so should the Carnival. Let’s remember the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.
Remember to give generously as it’s all for Charity and good causes
Happy Carnival times – Nick Lynas Chairman HOTCA
The unique start to any carnival is the Hastings Lifeboat (you will need to be on the seafront to see this), also a last chance to see this year’s pram race entries on Wednesday 2nd - always a surprise and a delight. Essential features for you to cheer are the 2017 carnival court. The Old Town Carnival Queen and Princesses have been busy all through Old Town Week supporting the numerous charity events. Don’t forget to listen out for the Old Town Crier too.
Fancy joining in? Then get your pageant clothes on! Be King or a Queen. Be a Saxon or Norman! Be a pirate, be a zombie! Be a fairy-tale character. Be mysterious in a carnival mask! Be in a sequined bikini with tall feathers! Be in giant! Be in an animal head! Be in a group. The theme this year is simple. Hastings Celebrates, and we have much to celebrate in the Old Town.
Be in it and have fun! It’s all for charity.