Events in 2025 - Hastings Old Town Carnival Week

Old Town Carnival Week is back for 2025.

A week of exciting events from Pram Racing to Treasure Trails, Open Houses to Walking Tours, Art Shows to Historical Talks, Live Music, Street Parties, all culminating in a Grand Carnival Procession

from Friday, 1st August 2025 to Tuesday, 12th August 2025.

Old Town Carnival Week started in 1968, gradually increasing in popularity until the present day. Organised by volunteers and supporting numerous local charities, Hastings Old Town Carnival week has become a fun week for visitor and locals alike.

Letter from Anne Scott, Old Hastings Preservation Society Chairman

In celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution you will see that Old Town Carnival Week has two extra days this year. The Old Town Community has once again pulled out all the stops to fill the programme with events. We are grateful to all the organisers and to our advertisers who contribute to this great fundraising and enjoyable week. Thank you for supporting the events and for your donations to the various charities supported by the week. Many of the events and collecting boxes can only take cash so please come prepared to be generous. The programme is compiled by the Old

Hastings Preservation Society and donations for these after costs is shared between the OHPS and the Carnival Association. We are grateful to Chris Monk of Yellowduck Design for

his work on the programme and Jackie Pratt for collecting the advertisements. Have a great week.

Anne Scott, Chair OHPS

Letter from Bill Wicking, Hastings Old Town Carnival President

Welcome to Old Town Week and the Hastings Old Town Carnival. Our grateful thanks to all those who have supported us over the years and may this year be no exception. Thanks also to Keith Leech who has stood down as chairman having steered the Carnival through several difficult years.

This year we have a new chairman Reg Wood who has done much good work behind the scenes for the benefit of the Town, including our twin Towns in Germany. He has taken part in numerous meetings to ensure a safe Carnival and Pram race. The amount of hours the volunteer organizers have put in is unbelievable.

We have a theme this year which gives plenty of scope for the imagination “ Heroes of Land Sea and Sky”.

With the 200th anniversary of the RNLI and the 80th anniversary of D-Day surely you can all come up with something. This country has many historical heroes to tempt you to dress up as, our poor exhausted NHS staff could do with a mention as well. So recycle your old clothes, your neighbour’s throw aways ,not to forget the charity shops who also could do with the trade and put aside social media- unless it’s to ask your friends if they have something you need for your costume!

Over the years the principal street parades have increased in popularity but council monetary support for them has gone down unavoidably, also there has been a rise in insurance, security and first aid coverage which the carnival committee is obliged to pay for in order to put the carnival on. This year the ever popular firework display will not be funded so it is up to the public and business to put their hands in their pockets if they want the fireworks to go ahead .

We also need bands, an expensive item nowadays, although we are incredibly indebted to section 5 and Sambalanca who have provided vibrant entertainment over the years.

Let’s hope this year will be kind weatherwise, about the only thing we haven’t had is a plague of frogs but that’s what makes HASTINGS unique - the ability to plough on regardless. Please support all the activities of Old Town Week - it’s not what we can get out of it but what we can put in to it that counts.

HOTCA Bill Wicking President

Letter from Reg Wood, Hastings Old Town Carnival Chairman

I am very excited about Carnival and Old Town Week this year. Carnival has always been a popular family event; it is something special and we need to preserve it. It brings people of all ages and backgrounds together, it’s good for the community and a cause for celebration.

A lot of work goes on behind the scenes in order for the week’s events to take place and I would like to thank the authorities and sponsors for their support. Our committee have been working hard to put things in place, not just for the carnival but also the very popular pram race, the doughnut eating and the gurning competition. All we ask is that you come and join the fun. Also, on Carnival Day there will be local charity stalls on the Stade Open Space and community choirs and drama groups performing there on the stage. This year’s Carnival theme is Heroes of Land, Sea and Sky, so if you can make a float or simply walk in the parade it would be lovely to see you. You can show off your club or group at the same time just by being in the carnival. If you are just coming to watch, please bring some small change to put in the collection buckets. Carnival does it’s best to support local charities. Hastings doesn’t need an excuse to dress up and have a good time so come along, be colourful and make some noise.

Reg Wood, Chairman, Hastings Old Town Carnival Association


This programme is compiled by the Old Hastings Preservation Society by co-ordinating information provided by individuals, organisations and groups. Neither the Old Hastings Preservation Society nor its officers or Council of Management accept any respsibility for the correctness of the information given, nor do they accept responsibility for accidents, incidents or occurrences that may occur at any event. All participants take part in events entirely at their own risk.

Amendments to the programme or late additions will be posted on this website, and will be published in the Hastings & St Leonards Observer.