IMPORTANT CHANGE OF ADDRESS FOR CARNIVAL ENTRY FORMS Please send application forms to: Hastings Old Town Carnival Association. 62 Collier Road, Hastings TN34 3JS. OR bring to the Jenny Lind or History House in Courthouse Street OR email to PLEASE DO NOT SEND TO THE ADDRESSES OR EMAIL ON THE FORM. Entries will be accepted on the day until 4.00pm. 12 noon OPENING OF CARNIVAL DAY On The Stade with the Sea Court and the Mayor of Hastings 12 noon to 7pm ST CLEMENTS CHURCH IS OPEN FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENT. There will be entertainment throughout Carnival Day Look out for details. 12 noon -5.00pm There will be EVENTS ON THE STADE ALL AFTERNOON, including music, circus displays, dance lessons and various stalls. Look out for details. 3pm to 5pm There will be music around the Carnival Route and dancing on the streets. Look out for bands around the Carnival route. As soon as the roads close the party begins.