Organised by Old Hastings Preservation Society 10.15am - ICENI TRIBAL DANCERS - Winkle Island Display of scintillating Eastern dance 11.00am - OPENING CEREMONY PROCESSION - Stade Coach Park Follow the procession which starts at 11am from Winkle Island, proceeds along the seafront, back along George Street, up the High Street, down All Saints Street back to Winkle Island. Procession headed by the Mayor of Hastings, Cllr Kim Forward, Amber Rudd MP, and other local dignitaries with the Carnival Queen and Princesses, Hastings Coastal Twirlers, Iceni Tribal Dancers and Section 5 drummers. 11.30am - OLD TOWN CARNIVAL WEEK OPENING CEREMONY at Winkle Island Old Town Carnival Week is officially opened by the Mayor of Hastings, Cllr Kim Forward. 11.40am - CROWNING OF CARNIVAL QUEEN April Grant is officially crowned Carnival Queen 2010. PRESENTATION OF AWARDS FOR BEST DRESSED WINDOW IN ALL SAINTS STREET by Queen April and her Princesses 12noon The Procession sets off along Rock a Nore to the Fishermens Museum, where Amber Rudd MP, raises the flag to celebrate the opening of Old Town Carnival Week, and visits the museum, where the Mayor opens the exhibition 'Recalling and Restoring'. 12noon - ICENI TRIBAL DANCERS display of dancing on Winkle Island 12.15pm - Hastings Coastal Twirlers give a display outside the Fishermens Museum.
The grand opening ceremony traditionally sees the Carnival Court inaugurated and the week officially declared open …
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